
Showing posts from August, 2008


I am officially a teacher! I teach forensic science (grades 9-12) and integrated science (9th grade). So far everything is going great, I think. Who knows what the students are saying behind my back?? I am fresh out of school so I'm still in the mind set of "do what it takes to make the students learn" and less of the "get through this year/survival mode" which I'm told is sure to come. Hopefully I will get to create a class website soon. If anyone is interested, I will give a link and you can learn along with my students. Basic science, you may already know, but the forensics is actually really cool to learn about. I pretend to be an expert in class, but a lot of the case studies we are reading are new to me too. The dogs are doing great together, by the way. Jackson has warmed up to Abby and Abby has grown about 5lbs since we got her a month ago. She may out grow Jackson soon.. Life is busy here; I leave for work at 6:45am, John travel...


We had our honeymoon in the Dominican Republic! Check out some of our pictures! Click here .