
Showing posts from June, 2008

The countdown begins!

Less than two weeks until our wedding day! We are getting very excited about seeing everything put together. I dragged John out to get our marriage license yesterday ;) We have been busy trying to organize our new house and get wedding arrangements secured. Engagement pictures should be posted soon! Also-keep an eye out for our wedding announcement in the paper. It will probably be announced the Sunday after our wedding :) :) :) Can't wait for the big day !

First Jobs

John has officially started working at Momentum as the campus ambassador to UK, Ohio State, and Kent State Universities. Our new house is only about 5 minutes from his new office! He will go to Atlanta for official training in a few weeks. After that, be sure to hit him up for free Coke. I will be teaching freshman Biology at Conner High School next year. I just got the offer today and we are very relieved to know that we both have found good jobs for next year! We are looking forward to not being students (finally!) and beginning our new lives together. Wedding is only 5 weeks away!!